A Piece of Love for Palestine

            Love. I can’t describe as well what’s the meaning of love is. But, I just know when I’m fall in love it feels like make myself to be more productive than usual. A cup of chocolate and a best seller novel often make me in love. Or tender word from someone that you admire. Love makes the world be better place for us.
            But, I don’t wanna talk a kind love of person but about humanity that decrease in the universal world. It’s an international issue that Palestine is on war. The war keeps raging on everyday. Zionist killed many people that don’t know what’s they’re mistakes. Womans, childs, olds people they killed without obvious reason. It’s so pathetic. Why we can’t feel the deep sorrow? Are our hearts is full of sin, so our hearts is so hard?
            There are people dying if we care enough for the living. It’s a part of clearly wickedness. Can anyone just wanna life peacefully without wars. Please, just heal the world. No fear, no tears, no screams. Can we? Of course, we can! We can be a part of person that spread joyfull, peace, and happiness to the world. How could?
            Okay, I wanna tell you. Firstly, make sure that we censure the war in the entire world. Then, tell to others if there are unjust condition that happened to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Aleppo, Afghanistan, and other pity country. Then, PRAY TO ALLAH for their better place, a strength for mujahidin, and a victory for Muslim. However, don’t ever underestimate prayer. It such as a big power for Muslim. Pray. Because Allah always listens. Ask to Allah with a gentle words, He always answer our dua.
            Then, it a real struggle to save them. You can join Al Qassam or HAMAS that be ready for die to defend Palestine. Well, I’m pretty know it’s very hard to do. But for you that be a police or army, open your heart and your eyes. They need help! Inshaallah, if you die to defend Islam, Allah will love you.
            Can we just make a world is a better place for them? No blood, injure, tear, cry. Just reveal a joyful face. Erase your ambition to kill innocence people. You don’t know, how much their sorrow. The children lost their father. A wife lost their husband. Is it happiness for you, o zionist? Why? Where’s your humanity. Wallahi, Allah will avenge what you did to Palestinian. Maybe you all be statisfied that you killed many people but remember Allah will ask that in hereafter!
            Bliss. A word that needed by Palestine. They can’t enter Al Aqsa safely. It really unreasonable. They wanna pray to Allah but what they got? They have to ready to get torture. Ya Allah, please save them. Palestine will be free! I believe that.
            Stop strangling life. Just make a better place for them. Heal all the hurt and sorrow that they felt. They must get so much love from the world. No matter how, but if people erase their ambition, it’d be better world for us.
            As a ending of this heart’s desire I wanna show you a quote from Michael Jackson with title “Heal the World”
            “And the dream we would conceived in, will reveal a joyful face. And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why we do keep strangling life? Wound this earth, crucify it’s soul. Though it’s plain to see, this word is heavenly.”

            Well, I do hope all of you that surrounded by wonderful people, don’t forget to be grateful for it beautiful life. But also, we have to give care to them who in deep sorrow. Mention them in our dua. Always pray to Allah for a better world. May Allah bless and protect our sisters and brothers in Palestine, aamiin..

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4 Komentar untuk "A Piece of Love for Palestine"

  1. saudara kita di palestina tengah berjuang atas penindasan yang terjadi sejak dulu, semoga mereka semua diberi perlindungan oleh allah swt. aamiin

    btw kunjungan perdana yaA salam kenal

    1. Aamiin..
      Apa pun itu, memang menjadi kewajiban kita untuk menolong mereka.. walau pun ngga bisa terjun langsung paling tidak lisan ini ringan untuk mendoakan keselamatan mereka

  2. Masyaallah ... anti kalam Ingglisi kufais :)

    Ana kalam arabi .. belepotan, wkwkwk.

    Nice post sweety,
    luv t way how u express ur feeling
    for all of our brothers of Palestine
    we stand with U

    may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless us all.

    sending love from Saudi Arabia ! Mysweet Ladyluck.

    1. Thanks madam.. hope everything wil be better soon :)


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